
User Guide


Feature 1

Add todo, deadline and event tasks to list.

Feature 2

Mark tasks as done.

Feature 3

Delete tasks from list.

Feature 4

Show list.

Feature 5

Find tasks from list.

Feature 6

Undo last action.

Feature 7



todo - Adding a todo task to list

Adds a todo task to the list. List will now contain newly added todo task.

Example of usage:

todo read

Expected outcome:

Adds todo read task to the list.

deadline - Adding a deadline task to list

Adds a deadline task to the list. List will now contain newly added deadline task.

Example of usage:

deadline read /by 2019-10-05 1800

Expected outcome:

Adds deadline read task to list with date 05 Oct 2019 and time 6pm.

event - Adding a deadline task to list

Adds an event task to the list. List will now contain newly added event task.

Example of usage:

event read /at school

Expected outcome:

Adds event read task to list with location school.

done - Sets a task to done

Sets a task in list to done (changes symbol from cross to tick for task specified).

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

Sets second task to done.

delete - Deletes a task

Deletes a task from the list.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Deletes second task from list.

list - Shows list of tasks

Shows list of tasks and their attributes(type, done status and description).

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Prints list of added tasks.

find - Find tasks in the list

Finds tasks in the list that contain the keyword specified and lists them out.

Example of usage:

find read

Expected outcome:

Prints a list of tasks containing the keyword read.

undo - Undoes the last command

Undoes the last command input by the user.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

If the last command was to add a task to list, undo will remove the task from the list.

bye - exits the application and saves the list into a text file.

Undoes the last command input by the user.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Application exits.